There’s often a lot of confusion surrounding how you should train if you are skinny-fat (high percentage of body fat and low amount of muscle mass) . Because you need to both build muscle AND lose body fat, it can be tricky to determine what to prioritize. Although many different approaches can be successful, but

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I decided to mix up my training by incorporating some isometronics, which is a method that combines maximal isometric holds and isotonic contractions. Although not commonly used, it is actually a very old-school training method. I was first made aware of it through Charles Poliquin, who had picked it up from one of Anthony Ditillo’s

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Here is a basic yet challenging workout for the lower body and abs.  The front squat -> back squat drop set allows you to use a moderately heavy weight for more reps than you would be able to front squat alone, which will increase the overload on the quad muscles.  Start conservatively with the weight

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Everyone knows that you’re not supposed to round your lower back. “Lift with you legs, not your back.” “Keep a flat back.” “Spinal flexion is BAD.” In an industry that is very divided in regards to training theory, “not rounding the back” is one idea that is widely accepted among personal trainers and strength coaches.

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The snatch and clean & jerk, as well as their variations (snatch pulls, clean pulls, from the hang, from blocks, from a deficit, power variations) are great exercises to develop strength, power, and muscle mass in the legs, entire back musculature, and shoulders.  With a little creativity, you can develop weightlifting complexes that suit your specific

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