
I’ve been training with Javier for nearly two years and I can safely say this: It’s not for everyone. Certainly, he’s not your typical personal trainer or work-out buddy. His job is to know my true limits and to push me to surpass them, especially if/when I object. He knows better than I what I can do in the gym and he keeps good score with detailed performance logs: not just sets and reps but also the pace for each rep and the rest in-between sets. Our sessions are timed to the minute and they take the full hour, whether I like it or not. My workouts never get stale since Javier changes them up virtually every month. When I stop improving, he knows that it’s time for a change.

I’ve been weight-training for over twenty years, including with several personal trainers, but never with these results. Of course, I’ve never trained nearly as hard either. But the improvements are obvious and measurable: At 52 years old, I’m stronger and more lean than I’ve ever been, and my legs are finally catching-up with my upper body. Remarkably, we’ve achieved these results despite having to work around a “frozen shoulder” that limits my mobility.

But hard work-outs and measurable results alone don’t explain why I’ve continued to train with Javier for two years now. He motivates me not only to train hard, but also inspires me to eat right and get enough sleep. The change in lifestyle has done me a world of good, and not just in the gym. It’s time and money very well-spent.”

Kevin Shea, NYC

Javier is a talented, hard working personal trainer. I had the pleasure of working with him in 2009 and 2010 to build my upper and lower body. He developed workouts that motivated me to try new things and increase my strength. He also was great about helping me capture the workouts for future review, so I could reference when I was working out by myself. I would highly recommend him to anyone looking to see a difference in their health and personal wellness.”

Ben Tanner, NYC

I have been training regularly with Javier for almost 8 months with the goal of building muscle mass, and have seen excellent results. Javier combines a tailored exercise plan with nutrition advice and a system for regularly measuring body composition. The empirical approach not only makes my degree of progress very transparent, but is extremely helpful because we can simply review on a laptop how my strength and body composition have changed over time.

For example: during the time I have trained with Javier, my squats have increased from 175lbs to 255lbs (10 reps), and my incline bench has increased from 95lbs to 185lbs. My 1-rep max for both has seen an even more dramatic increase. Lastly, while my body weight has increased (which is my goal), my body fat percentage has decreased from over 8% to under 5%.

Before I began training with Javier, I had an on/off problem with inflammation in my left knee. In addition to increasing muscle mass, implementing Javier’s advice about form in my lifts, stretching, and nutritional adjustments have eliminated the problem and I am back to squats and deadlifts injury-free.

Javier devotes full attention to training during sessions, and takes your progress very seriously. This is unfortunately somewhat rare among many personal trainers I have seen training other clients. He does not have an on-the-clock/off-the-clock mentality. Instead he is generous with time and makes himself available for questions and advice. I feel confident recommending Javier as a trainer because I have experienced such consistent progress while working with him.”

Mark Schuetz, NYC

As an expert in his field, Javier has completely changed the way I view health and fitness. I had been training for 2 years before starting with Javier; and after our first session together I realized how much more I had to learn. Now – after training with him for almost 10 months – my strength, flexibility, and health have reached a point I never thought possible.

With Javier’s help and guidance, I’ve gone from not being able to preform a squat properly to squatting 250lbs; a feat I would have deemed impossible if you asked me before I started training with him. Thanks to him, I’ve learned more about my own body than I had known before. He has helped with my extremely limited flexibility with stretch-only sessions. He’s helped my health by creating specific food recommendations and diet plans. And with scheduled BioSignature measurements, he keeps a strict record of how I’ve been improving over time. With him I’ve been able to decrease by body fat by almost 4% while still increasing my lean body mass.

Aside from his vast knowledge of health and fitness, Javier is truly dedicated to making sure his clients improve and reach their goals. He responds to all my questions in a timely manner and is extremely flexible with his schedule (from scheduling weeks in advance to even changing last minute sessions). But unlike countless other trainers who “start the clock” once you’re on the gym floor, Javier isn’t there to time your workout. He’s there to make sure you do everything you need to do for that day – whether it takes 45 minutes or 2 hours. He’s there for you.

I would highly recommend Javier to anybody looking to improve their health and get serious about their fitness.

Saif Latif, NYC

I have been training with Javier for almost a year, and can say that I am extremely pleased with the quality of his training, nutrition advice, and the results that I have seen during this period. Over the course of 6 months my body weight went from 156 to 172lbs, while my body fat decreased from 11.8% to 7%. I found the frequent body fat and lean muscle mass measurements using the BioSignature program helped me to stay motivated and Javier’s exercise regimens were always varied and specifically designed for my needs. I appreciated that they were based on his own experience lifting and on well thought out principles that he would discuss with me when showing me the routine. I also greatly benefited from discussions with Javier about nutrition, which have helped me to get leaner while still increasing my body weight.  I would very highly recommend training with Javier based on the results I have seen with him and his extensive knowledge of nutrition and fitness.”

Michael Weiss, NYC

Javier is a fantastic, knowledgeable and thoughtful professional trainer.  I contacted Javier because I was interested in improving on Olympic lifts and overall strength.  Javier customized a training program specifically for my interests.  In addition, he identified numerous flexibility and stability issues which had been hampering my progress.  Since working with Javier, I have improved flexibility in my hips, allowing for proper form on squats and cleans and improved structural stability and flexibility in my shoulders which have allowed me to perform pull ups more efficiently.  He thoughtfully designed 3 highly customized programs, specifically tailored for my goals and weaknesses.  I have learned a lot from Javier during our sessions and I look forward to learning more in the future.  I would confidently recommend Javier to anyone interested in improving overall strength, flexibility, athleticism and health.”

David Rosenberg, NYC
