We’ve been around for millions of years and we’re still trying to figure out what to eat! The 2014 Integrative Healthcare Symposium was a great meeting of the minds several of the leaders and innovators in the areas of integrative and functional medicine, and one of the most anticipated events was a panel discussion discussing the merits of vegan,

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If you are struggling to make it through your workouts and you feel low on energy, make sure your pre-workout meal is setting you up for success.  Here are three rules to follow to make sure you are getting the most out of your pre-workout meal: 1. Choose a high quality source of protein Having

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There is an infinite number of combinations of exercises, sets, reps, rest periods and intensities that one can use to create a training program, so the mark of an expert personal trainer is being able to select the appropriate combination of variables to address the specific needs of a trainee. If someone comes to me

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In no particular order, here are 20 things about training and nutrition I learned (or confirmed) in 2013: 1. Strive to develop strength and flexibility at the same time.  Being strong without having good range of motion is useless. 2. For fast results, multiple training sessions in a day are a must.  Changes in body

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